Our TQSpirit Community T-Shirt

Our 2024-2025 TQSpirit Design


  • Every few years we come out with a custom-designed piece of art for our students to wear. Anyone who loves Tai Chi & Qigong is welcome to pre-order “Our Community Tshirt.
  • This year our shirt displays The Wood Dragon and the Tiger.
  • There was such a demand for this design that we are almost sold out! We have a few sizes and colours left so please email us if you are interested in a TQSpirit t-shirt. CONTACT US 
  • Collaboration on design concept: Sifu Josie, Phoenix, and artist, Allan Burns. 





… and the meaning behind it. Content coming soon.



A Story of the Dragon and the Koi – Courage, Perseverance, and Never-Giving-Up

One legend tells about a place called Dragon Gate.

If a Koi Fish is able to jump over the Dragon’s Gate, located at the top of a waterfall, along the Yellow River, cascading from a legendary mountain, its success in leaping over the waterfall will transform it into a dragon.

As the legend goes, every year, in the third month of spring, a huge school containing thousands of Koi swam up from the sea on the Yellow River. The colours of their beautiful bodies flashed in the sunlight making them look like living jewels.

All was going well until the Koi reached a waterfall. Immediately, a large number of them grew discouraged and turned back, finding it much easier to simply go with the flow of the river. Yet, a smaller but very determined number of them stayed on, straining and leaping to reach the top of the falls.

Again and again they flung their bodies through the air only to fall back into the river below. All this splashing noise drew the attention of local demons who laughed at their efforts and all their struggles. Adding to their misery, the demons sadistically and repeatedly increased the height of the falls.

Despite the demons and the barrier, many of these Koi refused to give up. Undeterred, the Koi continued their efforts for one hundred years.

At last, with one heroic leap, a single Koi reached the top of the falls. The Gods smiled down in approval and transformed the exhausted Koi into a shining dragon. Forever he (or she) would spend their days chasing pearls of wisdom across the skies of the vast and eternal heavens. Any Koi who finds the strength and courage to leap up the falls, he or she will become a heavenly dragon. If you look closely, a Chinese dragon’s large scales indicate its origin from a Koi.

When you look at the new t-shirt design, we want you to imagine hundreds of red and white Koi swimming upstream. Imagine what an effort it would take to overcome the power of the mighty Yellow River, swimming against its swift current. Some will not be deterred by anything, not even a waterfall.  The Koi’s goal is to travel upstream to fulfil its destiny and reach its goal of transformation.

This Dragon Koi design symbolizes overcoming obstacles and never giving up.

Our blue Dragon are all about consciousness, communication, and mental awareness. It is an auspicious symbol of great and benevolent magical power. It is also meant to symbolize rebirth, a new beginning and a new chapter in one’s life, starting with a clean slate.

A Dragon and a Koi, the two together, reminds us that if a person works hard and diligently, a transformation will occur and success one day will be achieved.

In addition to the dragon and Koi symbolism, if you look closely, you’ll also see the symbolism of the Yin Yang Symbol and the Infinity symbol or figure 8.


THE 2017 PHOENIX BIRD DESIGN AND THE DRAGON, what the two mean together

more information coming soon…



THE TWO CRANES DESIGN, 2016, and how it was inspired


A Personal Experience described…

Figuring out a new design for a group t-shirt can be challenging. This time around we just couldn’t decide on what would be interesting, meaningful, or creative. How could we top our 2014 Dragon Koi Design which stands for Courage, Strength, and Perseverance?
We wanted our new design to have a story… but nothing was speaking to us… or rather, me (Sifu Josie)!
Well, about 6 months before (husband) Phoenix had said “Do a crane design!” At the time, I just couldn’t “see” it. I just shook my head and “no, doesn’t seem right at this moment.”


I was getting ready for our first tai chi class of 2016 up in Lions Bay. I was meeting my dear friend Glennys at my house so we could drive up together. I waited for her outside in my car. She pulled up, walked over to my car and was just getting in when something huge drew my eye skyward. My mouth dropped open as I saw the largest bird I have EVER seen in the sky coming straight towards us. \ Honestly, it was as humungous as I imagined an ancient teradactyl to be.

I jumped out of the car and went “whoa, look at that… holy (bleep).

We both watched in awe as it lightly landed on the roof of our house. It just sat there and stared at us. Luckily, I managed to get a picture of it, as without it, no one would believe our story. I had never seen anything so big that could fly! It had to have been over 5 feet tall.
That evening I turned to Phoenix and told the story that Glennys and I had experienced. What else could he say but “I told you so.” We both laughed and then set out to create this Crane Design.

What I learned later from some Birdie friends,was that it was likely a rare sighting of a Sandhill Crane. I am told that few of them are ever seen in B.C., let alone in North Vancouver on our roof! After a bit of google research I learned that the Sandhill Crane was recently on the endangered list.
It was quite an amazing sight! After having this unique experience I knew this had to be part of our groups’ new design.

As I have told everyone…sometimes husbands are right! (hee hee)

OUR CRANE DESIGN and its deeper meaning:
Our last tshirt design, the Koi and the Dragon, was designed to represent: Courage, Strength, Determination, and Never Giving Up.

  • – This year’s design with the Two Cranes, is designed to represent Longevity, Happiness and Eternal Youth.
  • The Crane is legendary in China for being the prince of all feathered creatures on earth
  • The Crane feeds in the water, stands on land, and flies through the air with grace.
  • Next to the Phoenix, the Crane is the most favored of all Chinese bird symbols.
  • The Crane is the ancient symbol for longevity because of its exceptionally long life span.
  • In many legends, the spirits ride on cranes, which are also said to bear the souls of the departed to the heavens. One Chinese legend says that an immortal rode a crane to heaven.
  • The crane also represents a lasting soaring spirit, health, and happiness.
  • Cranes are usually painted with other symbols of longevity such as pine trees and peaches or pears. Cranes with peony flowers symbolize longevity and prosperity. Cranes and lotus symbolize longevity and purity. In our t-shirt design we have included the pine tree and the plum tree.
  • Because it is evergreen, the pine tree is regarded as a symbol of longevity. Unlike most other trees, the pine does not wither during winter and thus represents noble endurance in the face of adversity
  • Plum blossoms are the first flower to bloom each year.
  • The plum blossom stands for renewal and emblematic of perseverance and purity.
  • Its appearance while the weather is still cold makes the plum blossom the flower of winter while spring belongs to the peony, summer to the lotus and autumn to the chrysanthemum.
  • The five petals of the plum blossom are auspicious since the number five is sacred in China.
  • The crane’s white feathers are seen as a symbol of purity and relate to the AIR element and the yang of the heavens. The white feathers are also part of a symbol of old age and wisdom.
  • The crane’s red head feathers are considered to be a sign of vitality and connect to the yang element of FIRE.
  • The Crane has long been an auspicious symbol and next to the Phoenix is the most important bird in Chinese legends and Chinese art.
  • It is also a Chinese symbol for wisdom and is sometimes called the “heavenly” or “blessed” Crane. The death of a Taoist priest is said to be “turning into a feathered Crane”.
  • The Chinese also embroidered cranes on their clothing and their images are seen in many ancient paintings as they also represent happiness and a soaring spirit, capturing the beautiful way it soars through the skies.
  • The Chinese Writing on the right hand side of the design reads “North Shore Tai Chi & Qigong”.
  • The Red Square with Chinese Writing is an idiom in Chinese. It means longevity. There are four characters. 1st word means Pine Tree. 2nd word means Crane. 3rd and 4th words means long life. Chinese people see crane as immortal. Pine has long life and it’s tall and very upright; it symbolizes one’s virtue. Crane is immortal which means it will never die; pine tree lives for over hundred or thousand years! Two together means longevity.




Content coming soon….


Content coming soon






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    1) Requests must be submitted in writing by email and is effective the date of the email.
    2) Refunds will not be given after the 3rd class unless it is for medical reasons.
    3) If you must stop class because you have contracted Covid 19 please contact us immediately.
    4) Refunds provided will be calculated in the following manner – Classes already taken will be converted to a Drop-In Rate of $15.00/class, plus an added administration fee of $10.00. The balance will be refunded and sent to you by Interac or by mail.
    5) Please note that if locations close due to Covid restrictions then all classes will continue on Zoom.
    6) Some In-Person locations have special event days where all classes will either be On-Zoom or In-Person at an alternate location. No credit for class missed will be provided.

    Whether On-Zoom or In-Person the registered student understands that the North Shore Tai Chi Spirit & Chinese Health Qigong organization has a strict no-video-of-the-Instructor or the Assistants without express written consent. Additionally, all students agree that any videos sent to them by the Instructor are for “your eyes only” and should never be shared with any other person or posted, in full or in part, on the Internet.

    IN-PERSON COVID POLICIES (as of April 2022)
    North Shore Tai-Chi Spirit & Chinese Health Qigong wants to create a safe place for indoor tai chi and qigong group practice. Many of our classes are both In-Person and On-Zoom at the same time.

    In accordance with the Provincial Health Authority wearing a mask will be a personal choice at this time. However, we will continue to require that all In-Person students practice social distancing.

    If a shut-down to all In-Person classes is mandated by the Provincial Health Authority, then all classes will continue on Zoom. No credit will be given to students unless they do not have adequate access to the Internet.


    Anyone signing up for In-Person classes will always have the option to be on Zoom where that option is available at that location. Some classes do not have the Zoom option.

    Any In-Person registration means that you are guaranteed a spot in the class. When and if the need arises: if you are not feeling well , if you are out-of-town, or if you are running late; On-Zoom is an option for you.

    Thank you for your registration.
    In registering for this class our Instructor assumes you have talked to your doctor before starting this health and fitness regime. If you have any medical conditions or physical concerns please participate at your own pace and also let your Instructor know by emailing taichispirit@shaw.ca.

    Agreement of Release and Waiver of Liability:
    I (referring to the student, the undersigned) voluntarily supply my contact information so that representatives of the North Shore Tai-Chi Spirit (& Chinese Health Qigong) can contact me regarding class changes, cancellations, course updates, and tuition reminders, and special event updates. Participation in tai chi & qigong classes involves exercise. Exercise can result in accidents or injuries. I assume the risk connected with participation in tai chi & qigong classes and represent that I am insufficiently good health and condition and do not suffer from any physical or mental impairment which would put me or anyone at risk of injury while receiving tai chi & qigong instruction from representatives of the North Shore Tai-Chi Spirit. I understand that North Shore Tai-Chi Spirit is a management company only. All Instructors represent themselves. I specifically agree that the North Shore Tai-Chi Spirit, the general manager, volunteers, and instructor(s) of any In-Person or Zoom classes I am participating in, and/or his associates, shall not be held liable for any claim, demand, cause of action of any kind, resulting from or related to my use of the facilities or instruction.

    I have read the above release and waiver of liability, as well as the refund policies, On-Zoom policies, In-Person policies, Covid policies, and fully understand their contents. I voluntarily agree to the terms and conditions stated above. I verify that all answers in my Registration are true.